In 1948 Joe and Janice were newly married and Janice was pregnant with me. They had moved into Joe's tenement apartment at 1189 First Avenue, which was a bit cramped, to say the least. But still there was room for a mini-workshop for Joe, and room for Janice's sewing projects, a piano, and later, me. Janice was 25, and loved shopping! She haunted the various thrift stores, S. Klein and Bloomingdale's looking for bargains. She often bought things for her mother, Moon, who would make braided rugs from the scraps.
I don't think my mother had a clue of how her life would change after I arrived, and her experience at Beth Israel Hospitals was positively Medieval, not being allowed to breast feed, or even hold me for a week. My grandmother was incensed, but unable to do anything from a distance. I was a difficult baby, apparently, though perhaps it had to do with Janice's expectations. It is hard to say.
Here is the year in Janice's letters home to her parents in East Athens, PA:
I don't think my mother had a clue of how her life would change after I arrived, and her experience at Beth Israel Hospitals was positively Medieval, not being allowed to breast feed, or even hold me for a week. My grandmother was incensed, but unable to do anything from a distance. I was a difficult baby, apparently, though perhaps it had to do with Janice's expectations. It is hard to say.
Oil sketch |
Here is the year in Janice's letters home to her parents in East Athens, PA:
Thursday PM Jan 1, '48
Dear Folks,
We just waded home from
the Uncle's house after spending a day of eating, etc. There are two
new members of the family down there – their canaries had twins.
The slush in some places
is, I believe, (altho I have not investigated) well over the top of
my new red boots. The steam shovels + tractors have been working
madly day + night + the main thoroughfares are pretty well cleared.
It's been raining all day + the Central Park would be something to
see when next the sun comes out. Driving is prohibited. All parked
cars are to be removed from the streets or fined – heaven knows
where they are to be removed to ,as garages + parking lots have
always been full. Luckily there was something wrong with Betsy so
Bear took her up to the Ford garage for repairs + she is still there.
I'm mailing the
package tomorrow I hope. The raincoat was still in stock + is cut
exactly like mine in every detail. It only came in the sugar-brown
with black stripe, but I think it'll look very well on you. It's
broad enough to be worn over winter coats, I'm told. It was really a
bargain, + I had no trouble exchanging the other one. There are also
boots, like mine only black. I'm crazy about 'em. They are 7's, but
could fit as I tried 'em over my biggest flat 8's. The side zipper
permits a closer fit + does away with the shucking up + down that
occurs in most boots. 3 brushes you will find. I bought the 2
little ones + the lettering brush must be your old one. I had two
just alike. It's a good thing I forgot you gave me 2-50¢
pieces + collected $6.00 from Pop, so the whole works did come to
$7.00. good brushes are steep + bad ones are pointless.
![]() |
Portraits of Janice and Joe taken by John Grabowski. |
Grabowskis gave us a lovely round glass pitcher with gold stripes +
glasses to match. Something we didn't have.
I found out that a studio
upright is a smallish piano, the kind that is pushed out on the floor
+ shoved around with ease for use in cabarets, nite clubs, etc.
We've seen ads for these, quite reasonably priced. Do nothing
drastic with the Mini-piano until we investigate these.
That tablecloth just
Must change the bed, take
a bath, + utilize the former.
love, J.
Lately I've been doing
bears at work while waiting for Mr. B. to show up with a job. I know
Bears are overdone, but can't resist this one.
Mon. PM Jan 12, '48
Dear Folks,
I will stop activities
now + write this, knowing that if I indulge in activities first this
will never get done.
The Bear has gone to
Well, it looks very much
as it we may be on the track of a piano. We put a $5 deposit on it
tonite, and will check it again after the man fixes it up a bit. If
all goes well + if they can get it in, we should have it this
![]() |
Al Scala and Margie Temple at my christening later in the year |
The one we have deposited
on is, as far as my unmusical eye + ear can detect, just the creature
we want. Our pianical friend Al (Scala - ac)may be called in to give it a look +
I only hope he doesn't talk us out of it. This little job seems to
have spent its hard life in honkey-tonk. Perhaps I just imagine it,
but there seems to be a slight list to the left.
It has been painted a peculiar maroonish shade, something between our living room floor + the color of our pink drapes. In spite of all these defects, or maybe because of them, I feel a strong affection for this object. I may have been influenced by the price, which was only $80. (They deliver for $10) I hope Al approves it, but if not, there are several others at the same price. I shouldn't allow myself to be taken in by an ugly face.
It has been painted a peculiar maroonish shade, something between our living room floor + the color of our pink drapes. In spite of all these defects, or maybe because of them, I feel a strong affection for this object. I may have been influenced by the price, which was only $80. (They deliver for $10) I hope Al approves it, but if not, there are several others at the same price. I shouldn't allow myself to be taken in by an ugly face.
If you mail the
blanket + music books, the best address would be that of Joe's
uncle's store, at 1193 First Ave. Better designate the Fruit
Use our name. You asked for an emergency phone no. After 6:00 PM,
if you can get away with leaving a message, try calling REgent
7-0789. That's Kestersons, + I'm sure they would relay any message
pronto if they're home. Later I'll send the number of the candy
store downstairs but they're not very reliable. Brandford's calls
are LOngacre 4-4356 + LOngacre 4-4367.
Janice's cartoon of Brandford's office, a modelling agency for African Americans |
old Brandford is sick in bed. Ulcers I guess, and he has reason for
ulcers, as do his employees. It seems that in his bank account he
has about $40. His main customer paid off, + we got our last week's
checks today. Bill + John are the sole support of their families +
are really in a pretty bad spot. I am personally not worried, altho
I guess I should be.
apt. was improved upon considerably this weekend. Joe washed,
varnished, + waxed the floor. I dusted + rearranged things. The
kitchen curtains are up, we have snazzy new living room curtains
(paper) and got some bargain venetian blinds, which are a perfect
fit. Dress the place up enormously. It's getting practically
livable + that dear little piano would just fit into the scheme.
had Alice + Richard for dinner Sunday. 2 large steaks broiled (?)
with mushrooms + garlic. Broccoli; + was I lucky with the
hollandaise sauce! I'm disappointed that the Bear won't eat it. How
can people not like hollandaise sauce? Mashed potatoes. For
dessert, ice cream with peaches, bananas + syrup. Best feed we've
had yet.
Spanish letter looks kosher to me. They should certainly make with
an answer.
been to Associated American Artists. It's a gallery, catering to
popular tastes.
does seem as if the light in Mrs. Paddock's basement couldn't help
but be better than that in the living room. Blue bulbs, if strong
enough, are as good as daylight.
ruthlessly weeded out my portfolio + stacked the throw-away stuff in
the kitchen. Felt very good + righteous. Got rid of a lot of old
classwork + scribblings. Then home comes the Bear + starts snuffling
thru the pile -”What, you're throwing away this? And this?? And
not that???
He then carted practically the whole works back to the portfolio.
of this scribble. goodnite.
PM Feb. 3, 48
much inspiration for writing tonight, but I'll give it a try.
Bear still sounds like Donald Duck, so is at home tonight puttering
around. He has enclosed the lower half of the bathtub + sink, and is
painting it to match the kitchen wall. It looks snazzy
Now he's fixing my art lamp. Joe's voice teacher tells him that half
the school is having the same throat trouble he has. We're wondering
if it could be a result of the teaching methods? He never had this
until he started singing.
![]() |
Joe's workshop in the corner of the apartment |
music came + I'm having great fun with it in my spare moments. Al,
the expert, tried Piano out + approves of it.
I fell to + scrubbed, dusted, arranged, etc. all three rooms.
Already they are dirty again. Silly me to hope that it would still
be in evidence slightly by next weekend when we're having personable
company, ie. B. Duck + Vishnu.
I'm trying to get tickets to a play,
but it may be too late. By the way, you'd better give me about a
month's notice before you come down. Brigadoon is a very popular
Vishnu Bhide |
we got two (2) copies of the Consumer's Union catalog for 1948. We
can give one to Kestersons. Our January magazine came a couple of
weeks ago, too.
came in last week. She's quit her job with Timely Service and is
looking around. She enjoys job-hunting. Has lost weight and is
looking good in the New Look, which was made for the likes of Rogers.
I have just one new look model, that old Steward Plaid that I let
down with a piece of your material. Just matches.
never drew you a diagram of our apartment, did I? Here is is –
We've been lucky so far getting kerosene. Hope these cold
waves stop galloping up on us.
wash stockings + get together some stuff for the studio Club Art
Exhibit – ta-ta
PM Feb. 18 '48
long-postponed time of letter-writing has come. I have a whole
armload of letters from you, plus several postcards and a devil.
should be back from school by now. He attends quite regularly now.
Hopes to make a record one of these days.
B. Duck (Leona Towner Rem) at Iowa State College, Ames, IA |
Duck day we were on our best behavior. Picked them up at the station
at 10:30, brought 'em home, (we had spruced the place up the night
before) served a lunch consisting of bacon + cheese burgers and other
insignificant items. Then we went to 'Happy Birthday”, which was
very entertaining; after that we returned to the joint + rustled up a
dinner of sorts, mainly mushroom steak (broiled) with mashed
potatoes, cauliflower with hollandaise, and several other things I
can't remember. Chatted a while, the Bear sang 2 songs, + it was
time for them to go. B. Duck seems to be quite a success in her new
job. Doesn't have the new look, though. Vishnu does, however. B.
Duck was very skeptical of my culinary ability + I dunno whether
Saturday's repast helped my sagging reputation any. Ah well.
![]() |
Moon and Janice with Vishnu |
you ever hear from the Shrimp? What's he up to? I haven't heard
since Christmas. Not even a valentine. -Sob.
got yourself a job making me a navy blue swish skirt. They're
terrifically expensive here. The piece I enclose is to be a skirt
someday. Can't decide whether to make it straight – gathered or
flared. I think it's purty but nobody else does. These are trying
good for Pop's birthday this year? I haven't forgotten him.)
let Evelyn go, hired one Miss Walker in her place (B) There's a new
addition to the art end, a Dave Ross (T). He is a
![]() |
Evelyn Harding |
to hear the S. club slumps. I must eat a piece of cheese with my
Bear + go to bed.
Sun. PM March 8 '48
Dear Folks,
Whew. Just polished off
the ironing, which wasn't very big this week, but disgusting. It
came back from the Bendix place all little black specs. Not enough
soap, or rinse, or something.
Gladys (Kesterson
– ac) is sleeping on the bed. She's
on a hospital night shift now + got up in the middle of her night to
have dinner with us. Kess too, of course. Spaghetti + meat balls,
with that whipped up condensed milk jello for dessert. What is that
called? (Grandma made this often and
called it Foo-Doo – ac) Turned out
very well. A fast, painless dinner session. Other things we've made
lately are stuffed peppers, stuffed artichokes, and a sort of
casserole experiment with meat, tomatoes, rice, gooey cheese. Some
day I would like your meat loaf recipe.
Guess I'd better
start back at the Vishnu – opera time. Vish took me to dinner
that nite at the India-Ceylon Inn, near Broadway, where we had curry
+ rice. Very good, tho somewhat peppery. Nearly everyone dining
there was an Indian or Ceylonian of some sort. The opera,
Gotterdammerung, was disappointing, inasmuch as we couldn't see much
more than 1/3 of the stage and had to lean forward at a
back-breaking angle + peer between heads to glimpse that. It was the
left hand corner, and everything, but everything
happened on the right. We could hear pretty well , but it's hard to
follow the plot when you don't know who is singing at who. It's
surprising that a huge, lush place like the Metropolitan Opera house,
renowned as it is, should be so constructed that about 1/10 of its
seated audience has to practically fall out of the balcony to see the
I guess Brandford has
left the hospital by now. His operation was for ulcers, the second
one he's had. The boys have carried on well in his absence. I hope
he does not try to come back right away. I don't know whether by
being here he does more injury to himself or to the business.
What's with those
stamps you have requested? I shall send some along, but to me they
look like any other 1¢
stamp. Perhaps it wouldn't happen again, whatever it was.
Still no word from the
Shrimp. I sent him a card with a big red question mark.
Janice's brother Harrison S. Campbell, aka "the Shrimp" |
I asked once before what
Pop wanted for his birthday + I reiterate, realizing my plea comes a
little late.
Birthday Card for Pop, I think |
I have the new look
Easter Outfit laid out, such as it is. Have purchased a new light
gray skirt. (flannel)
+ a Gibson gal cotton eyelet blouse (white) and for $2.00 an amazing pair of bright red shoes
Have also ambitious plans for butchering the old lightweight red coat in a perhaps futile endeavor to achieve one of these.
If not, there is always the gray + yellow checkered one.
+ a Gibson gal cotton eyelet blouse (white) and for $2.00 an amazing pair of bright red shoes
Have also ambitious plans for butchering the old lightweight red coat in a perhaps futile endeavor to achieve one of these.
If not, there is always the gray + yellow checkered one.
I'm afraid my Bear has
taken himself to a movie. He drove Kess over to church for some
shindig he superintends there. Or maybe he decided to decide to stay
there + drive him back. The poor Bear has been quite sick since
Christmas, according to the Doc, with a throat infection. He's been
taking sulfa tablets lately + feels fine. He was weak +
undernourished, said the doc. My fault for trying to feed him more
like a rabbit than a bear. Back to spaghetti + cake, then. He is
much easier to get up in the morning now, coughs less, and is hardly
ever grumpy. Quite amiable. Starts school again this week.
It is important that I
know when you can come down. Tickets for Brigadoon must be purchased
far in advance. 2 or 3 weeks anyway. We may get a studio couch from
a friend whose selling, but if not, there will be no difficulty in
We just about finished
the leather knitting bag.
Signing off now,
love, J.
Fri. Mar, 26 '48
Dear Folks,
We are spending a Friday
evening at home for a change. Bath night.
Just wrote the Shrimp and
it's about time. Three weeks ago I heard from him.
The E. Athens airplane
service sounds most exciting. Had I known of that I might have come
home for a visit and demand to be classified as an emergency.
Why didn't I think of
using the Bear's pen before? It lends shall we say color? (this
letter is written in alternating blue and purple ball point pen –
The Bear is reading,
perusing, absorbing, digesting the latest issue of Popular Mechanics.
I'm somewhat discouraged about the voice. He's just about getting
back to the stage of development he'd arrived at before the
strep-infection set in. If only he'd practice more. I don't seem to
get time to work on him, except when he isn't here. Maybe it's all a
waste of time.
The blue stuff could make
up purty. Seems tough enough, too. Can't quite decide on a style.
How about something like the first sketch, with a solid yoke, or I
dunno, I dunno. If you do have a white slip I can use it, as I have
nothing suitable for under a sheer blouse.
I suggest NYC for shoes +
cotton plaids.
Tomorrow I go to
Brigadoon office + see if I can get tickets for the weekend of April
I doubt if that's possible, but April weekend the last (25) will be
second choice.
We're negotiating for a
studio couch, convertible second hand $25. Hope we get it. We'll
substitute it for the stove. It's double, so Pop could come too if
My Easter outfit
this season consists of white flars (flowers
– ac) for ye olde straw bonnet. The
gray + yellow checked coat + perhaps the navy blue skirt will do the
We finally took out an
hospital + doctor bills policy. Mutual Health + Benefit of Omaha.
I'm quite sure we don't
have the dictionary issues of CU, but will try to look it up in the
Fillet of Ocean Perch for
supper. Delicious.
love, J.
2:00 PM Saturday, April 17
Dear Folks,
Housecleaning didn't take
long today for some reason, that reason being, no doubt, that I blew
on things and swept up what fell to the floor. Now I am awaiting the
Bear, who hasn't had lunch yet. He's working downstairs on that aged
wreck. I hope he attaches the door handle. For the last week its
been a case of “pass the handle” when he must get in or out, +
the handle is usually in the glove compartment, which is apt to be
locked. Richard is helping him, so I guess we'll have three for
I don't know what
happened but Mrs. Moore didn't call this week + I didn't know where
they were staying so couldn't call them. Maybe she had the wrong
number somehow. I hope there are no hard feelings.
I couldn't decide whether
you meant this weekend or next for the Rev. Achenbach. I'm watching
the papers, but haven't found that church yet listed.. Kess knows of
it. One must take a Long Island train to get to Floral Park. Maybe
I can find it in the phone book. We'll see.
I've tried on the blue
blouse + it is very cute + flattering. The white slip will be nice
under it, and it isn't too small at all, yet. I'm nuts about that
slip. Petticoat too, altho waistband is a trifle small.
Last nite I heard of a
place on Madison that sells handmade articles that people bring in.
I'll stop in maybe today + ask about dolls. Also leather knitting
bags and little framed paintings. It's called the “Women's
Shall I look for those
dissolving flowerpots. Are there any other items we forgot? There
must be.
I go remind the Bear of
the hour + mail this.
Love, J.
Friday PM, April 23 '48
Dear Folks
While waiting for the
better half to appear I shall start this. We are ready to go over to
the Kesterson's, where they, the Anderson's, the Joneses + us are to
spend the evening playing a game called 'Horses” + knitting no
doubt. I'm still on that same blasted sock.
Sat. A.M. What a pleasant
surprise! I set my watch ahead an hour last night for Daylight
Savings Time, consequently losing an hour's sleep. Now, after 7
hours I am up + dressed for action, only to find that tomorrow is the
day and I'm darned if I'll clean house during this hour I didn't
think I had.
The Joneses have a a baby
girl. They are in-laws of the Kestersons some way.
I won't disturb the Bear
yet. I tried to wake him up some time ago, under the impression that
it was Daylight time, but he was dreaming + asked, “Which is
easier?” Yesterday Am he said, “Give me a ticket if your gonna
give me a ticket” and on the second attempt distinctly,
“Buscabooch” whatever that is. He claims not to know. If I can
understand him, it's a sure sign he's asleep.
Drat it. I missed
Ashenbach. (a family friend, Lyle Ashenbach, minister) I know now that I should have asked Dr. Hersey. The
church wouldn't be in the Brooklyn book, + newspapers, as it is
actually out on Long Island. Will you apologize to the Rev. A for
me, as I really had intentions of going out if I could have made sure
of the date + location. Should have gone out anyway + explored
Floral Park. Fooey on me! Went to church that day, tho.
I went to that Women's
Exchange place. They weren't interested in my knitting bag, but do
handle dolls. She said she'd have to see the dolls, but mentioned $6
for cloth-faced dolls. I enclose a list of addresses (Moon I forgot
to get the info from you on that magazine Pop wants. Can you tell me
where to send + what to send for, etc.?)
Got a letter from Shrimp
the other day. Did you mention our addiction to him?
I expect Mrs. Paddock's
dolls would bring more than $6.00
Finished the red coat.
It's at the cleaners.
This wasn't much of a
letter. Guess I'll rush thru the housework + then go down to the
Museum of modern Art. S'long.
love, J.
Tuesday PM May 5, '48
Dear Folks,
A note. Enclosed (I
hope) find slight Mother's Day resemblance. It should maybe go with
the navy blue outfit?
Hah! Questions to
answers – wooden dolls. I personally think they are worth at least
$25, possibly less with mass production methods + correct tools.
Wouldn't like to part with any we have, however.
Scandalous about
Fleabody. There is a dog with a mind of his own, however.
Mt. Bear is nearly
through with his voice lessons. Wants to take up piano now????
Sunday was lovely. We
went up to Bronx Park, where the tulips are out.
Is it the flower note
paper you'd like more of?
We're considering
attending the Henley Regatta at Princton ( I told Shrimp we're
infaticipating) (Isn't that a cute word? Courtesy friend of
You are smothering me
with peachy offers. A sewing machine head is much too much. The red
coat is quite wearable. I foolishly bought a 2 piece butcher boy of
aqua linenish stuff. Makes me look like all 4 sides of a house
instead of the usual one. Straight cut things, flared in back seem
to look best. It's very discouraging + I don't think you should make
too many things. Mebbe finish a blouse (I have 3 skirts and at least
2 cotton dresses) a sport shirt with tails out I find makes for good
camouflage. You'd better let me pick up a cheap jigger jacket here
if the need arises + altho the coat you designed is cute. Best not
do too much, as it won't be long now + these items probably wouldn't
get worn later.
I would fair say more but
it's Wednesday morning now + I'm late for work.
love, J.
9:00 PM Sunday, May 16
Dear Folks,
It seems as if the
weekend went off rather well. I guess the biggest tragedy was MIT's
sad showing in the 11:40 race, due to choppy water probably. We got
there a little too late to see the morning race. Just as well. I
guess we'd have made it except for little nephew Jojo who came along
for the adventure and apparently took an hour to put his coat + hat
on. (More likely it was Joe who was
drinking coffee and “shooting the breeze” with Uncle Sam – ac)
He enjoyed himself immensely, running far ahead, around in circles,
rolling in the green grass, shimmying up trees, behaving like a young
dog. Probably never say grass + bushes before. Drove the Bear crazy
with questions, a thing Bear should have foreseen when he invited the
![]() |
Jo-jo, Joe, Janice and Harrison in Princeton |
We had arranged to meet
B. Duck in Princeton, + there she was, with a large corsage of salmon
yellow roses for me, no less. What a beautiful day it was +
Princeton is such a cute little town, about the size of Towanda +
similar in aspect. The problem was, how to find the Shrimp. We
stood with the crowd outside the boathouse, where nothing seemed to
be happening, everybody just waiting and it was a tossup who to ask
for information + what to ask. We chose at random one of a dozen
young chaps wearing an orange ribbon marked “Official” who was
chatting with a group of ladies, + what should he turn out to be but
the coach of the light crew. He went in the dressing room + brought
out the Shrimp for us. Shrimp was sporting a very long face + sharp
tweed look. He had to rush off to catch a bus to the joint where the
guys ate, and after lunching we looked him up again, + strolled
around the campus (a lovely one) for a couple of hours. B. Duck took
color photos. We didn't stay for the late races, as MIT's light crew
wasn't participating. Shrimp came back with us, + we slept the 2
boys on the studio couch, the 2 gals on the bed. Had spaghetti for
supper + the Shrimp broke training, eating also bananas + bread. All
this time, he wasn't been drinking milk at all. It seems to me that
his teeth would reflect this somewhat. He's looking well, however
and B. Duck is looking extra super. He caught the 9:00 train (I
hope) + B. Duck left after lunch. It rained + gloomed all day, and
we attended a wake in the Bronx later on, Richard's mother died
suddenly Friday.
The Decca catalog covers
most of the latest numbers. Along with the Manhattan ------ as a
supplement, you should do fairly well. I'll be in the neighborhood
of the post office tomorrow + shall pick up the stamps. Brandford
keeps bringing around Panama stamps + I guess he has repeated
himself but I shall pass them along anyway.
There's no other
news here that I can recall. I would tremendously like to be home
for Pop's + Frankie's wedding, but guess it can't be. (Pop
was acting in a skit with Frank Perry – ac)
Guess you'll take pictures. I hope.
love, J.
Monday PM, May 24 '48
Dear Folks,
Those stamp sheets turned
out to be rather small and unimposing. I hope they're the right
thing – I showed him the article you sent + that's what he gave me.
Guess the cotton plaid
has reached you by now. Coincidence that I had just seen it before
getting your request. Was planning it as a birthday present, but
guess you won't mind having it now. Plaids are scarce this season.
I can see this made up with a circular skirt + short jacket; the new
look, however might tangle with bicycle spokes.
![]() |
Bear makes a point |
We've had two
smooth weekends in a row. Friday nite we stayed home + were
unexpectedly paid a social visit by a couple from the Bronx, ex GI
pal of the Bear. They brought a belated wedding gift – a stainless
steel sandwich tray. Something we didn't have and will certainly
use, and a pitcher + glass set similar to Grabowski's but a little
less fragile. Saturday Bear worked half a day. I cleaned house, +
went shopping in the PM + made a number of successful purchases,
mainly a huge batch of yarn. The enclosed sample is for a little
woven afghan, or carriage blanket, depending on how much it makes.
Also have some fine butter yellow yarn for a sweater + whatever goes
with it set. Saturday nite we stayed home, wound yarn, + I started
the squares. Sunday we got up without a struggle, went to church, I
walked back thru the luscious park, and stopped off at Regina's a
visit I had been owing for a long time.
She surprised me by coming
over to dinner with us. Practiced some of her songs on the piano
(she's taking voice lessons) and the meatloaf was extra successful,
as were the large mess of beets + greens. After she left we sat by
the river for a while, then took off at 6:30 for New Rochelle.
Traffic coming back to New York was at a standstill, but outgoing we
sped merrily along. Had the top down. The picture begins to look
like Miss Mary.
We brought it
home + I'll finish it before next time. They served us strawberries
+ cream, and I built new ears on her miniature Chinese horse (dropped
by a child visitor) with that soluble powder clay I have. No
trouble at all – like a flash. Gave us a huge bunch of
lillies-of-the valley; the moon shone brightly all the way home and
the radio played beautiful music.
Regina Reynolds and me later in the year
![]() |
Mary Robeson, Joe's favorite High school teacher who took all her students under her wing. |
Things are back to normal
now, tho. The Bear just spilled a coke in my knitting bag, on the
floor, chairs, table, and on me. He's a failure at simple household
I've thought of Airs +
Mavis, too. I've gone over the alphabet + must have considered every
name that's ever been used, besides inventing some. In desperation
it occurred to me that Malice might be a rather pleasant sounding
choice, and would get by 50% of the population. Along the same line
– Frenzy, Morphine, and several others that I've luckily forgotten.
How are you getting
around! When it gets so that you can't recall the topic of an
after-dinner speech made by yourself I'd say hm???
Mr. Brandford leaves
tomorrow for his 2 week Jamaica vacation. I hope to be gone when he
returns. I go to bed now. Should do it more often.
love, J.
11:00 AM Monday June 7
Dear Folks,
At last! Free
time! I got up at the usual time this morning and instead of
slogging thru the rain to 107 w 42nd
St. washed 43 socks, mopped the kitchen floor, finished reading
yesterday's funny papers, plus the usual bed + dish business. It's
much pleasanter washing sox in the morning than at nite. Now maybe
some of those 3,000,000 little things that get thought of at 11:30
P.M. Will be accomplished. Might even read a book someday.
That portrait of Miss
Mary isn't getting any better. It's the usual working without a
model difficulty. Working from her is practically the same, as she
is very vivaciousm esp. from the nose down.
The afghan is nearly
done. It's turning out to be a winter blanket, the backing being
light gray wool flannel.
I trust that Mr.
Brandford is having a hard time today. He's due back from his
vacation, and didn't know I was taking off this week. Poor John may
suffer by this too, which he doesn't deserve. He, too, wanted to
take a week's rest + now will be probably have to hang on until
Brandford replaces me. John will work himself into a straight jacket
at the rate he's been going and for $46.60 per week!
Mr. Bear will be home for
lunch any minute, so I must make with the hamburgers.
Hamburgers ready, Mr.
Bear not. The sun is coming out. One could go to the park this PM +
finish afghan there.
When I saw all
those clippings with your last letter I hoped to find a picture of
the blushing bride + his bouquet of onions. Have you an extra, or
didn't they come out. Don't say that! (Actually
there is a photo clipping from the newspaper of Herbert Campbell in
drag as the “blushing bride” from the skit – ac)
New stove sounds super.
Florence the oil-stove will probably leave a ghost. She's older than
I am, is she not, (or was)?
What's CBI?
Since Richard's mother
died he's been supping with us 2 nights a week. Also breakfasting,
that is coming up at breakfast time for a social call + escorting Bear
to work. Often he arrives when we still have a few minutes to sleep.
Usually catches me in a state of insufficient dress. This has been
going on since the honeymoon, and at last the problem is solved.
When I hear him ring, I just go back to bed until it blows over. He
is an incessant chatterer, and you have to stay with it, as after
every statement he says, “right?” again and keeps making with the
rights until you give an affirmative answer. So one learns to come
across with a yes right away. He's a sweet kind child though, and
it's hard to be mean to him. I wish he'd get married.
Lunch has been had.
I'm glad to see that CU
goes over GI insurance. Doesn't help much though, just tells what's
wrong with the system. Did you fill out that questionnaire they sent
last month? We haven't yet.
I don't have even a
chartreuse thumb. Received a pink hydrangea for mother's day, and it
lasted exactly one week, all of which was downhill. Watered it, set
it a close to the air + sun as possible, but no go. The building
superintendentess, (whose husband cusses + beats her next door) saw
me throwing away the stalk, rescued it, and now has it starting life
anew on her fire escape. Green shoots. I am very glad and altho she
wants to give int back I won't take it. It wouldn't be happy.
How do you keep your
trousers up when they can't be buttoned? Will have to get
suspenders. 2 weeks ago they'd button all the way, + now a 4-inch
gap exists. Richard gave me 3 of his mother's house dresses, which
look pretty bad, but are just the thing.
Those newspaper articles
on baby-feeding are fine, but both of my doctors are against it. I
haven't given up the idea, tho.
I shall finish this off,
then try to do the same for the afghan.
Might even take a nap.
love J
8:30 PM Monday, June 14
Dear Folks,
Nothing special is doing
here tonight so you will hear from me.
This afternoon I stopped
over at the I. Miller display studio + had a few words with Rogers.
She is looking slender + glamorous, + is leaving next week for summer
The catlet, whose name I
think is Rivet, is sitting alongside in a state of
semi-consciousness. He's a little upset today. Has eaten
practically nothing, drinks water continuously, a upchucked once, for
the first time. Yesterday he stuffed himself + was in fine spirits,
chasing flies, etc. I was a first rate sap to bring home this
critter, but a sweeter + less bothersome kitten there never was. The
only objectionable thing he does is to awake at 5:30 AM and jump up
on the bed. I don't mind this procedure, but Mr. C does not go for
it. I was astounded to find him housebroken at 9 weeks. Here I was
waiting, with newspapers spread hopefully, for the inevitable
catastrophe. Hours passed, nothing happened. Mr. Bear came home and
fixed up a box of sawdust. Mr. Cat made a beeline for the box + put
it to good use. It has been moved to the john. Haven't seen a mouse
lately. Previously we caught 11.
Yesterday was the
date set aside for a picnic at Tibbets Brook by the Tuesday nite
bunch. Of course it rained, so we all had our hamburgers + lunches
in the basement (of the Universalist
Church of the Divine Paternity on Central Park West
- ac), after which we played something called the Game, a variety of charades + what fun! Softball was played in the basement later, and we adjourned about 6:30. No sunburn, bug-bites, poison ivy, mud. It was a surprising success.
- ac), after which we played something called the Game, a variety of charades + what fun! Softball was played in the basement later, and we adjourned about 6:30. No sunburn, bug-bites, poison ivy, mud. It was a surprising success.
Kesterson's leave
Wednesday for Illinois, where they'll spend the summer, the lucky
lugs. Bear + I are so fed up with this location that we'd pack up +
depart tomorrow if it weren't for Junior.
![]() |
Tenement living - Two views from the apartment on First Avenue |
Winter wasn't bad,
but now that people, dogs, + baby carriages have moved out to the
front sidewalk, every sidewalk, the aspect is most dismal. Every
time we want to use Betsey it means disturbing half a dozen
semi-reclining individuals. One risks one's neck wading through
furious ball games. Also there seems to be a nasty lot of tickets
given out for parking on First Ave. in front of us. Ferris had 3 in
2 weeks, + Joe found one on Betsy the other day. So the question is
– shall we pay $12 per month for use of an open parking lot, or
stay here + hope that not more than 3 $4 tickets will be forthcoming
monthly. Living does not pay.
I asked Nancy
(Ferris - ac)
if she'd heard of the ghastly custom you mentioned + she said it
wouldn't apply to me. Her doctor was a Catholic + she a
Presbyterian. I think this would take effect in case the Mother were
also a Catholic, but I'd better ask Wilems anyway. I've no idea what
he is. It's heard to believe that he'd be so obsolete.
Drat it, I'm stove in.
My left hip has gone out of kilter + makes walking quite a job. I do
it anyway. This is most annoying, but in every other respect I am
most healthy. Finished the carriage quilt, + am working on the
yellow sweater set. The layette so far consists of several flannel
jackets hand-made by Mrs. Grabowski + little knitted shirts + similar
gadgets I can't identify, also from her. Socks + waterproof panties
she gave me, too. The folding bath-tub is coming from them. I have
a little pink cotton blanket, present from Dot. No diapers yet.
Gotta get busy – 6 weeks to go.
Last I heard, Brandford
still isn't back from Jamaica. There is much dissension among his
Mr. Bear is soldering a
big copper vase. We just heard Jane Eyre on the radio, very
Rivet upchucked again +
we gave him a dose of bismuth. He clinks into the tool drawer with
the hammers + monkey wrenches, + sits + peers out with large sad
Don't forget that picture
of the Bride, or draw me a sketch of him.
Gotta get to work on Miss
Letter from Unc. John
today. He's coming down.
love, J.
Saturday P.M. June 19
Dear Folks,
I sat down to write to
the Shrimp but just re-read your last letter + gather that he's in
Poughkeepsie. I suppose he'll be home after this event, so you'll
hafta relay my apologies for not writing. I also have a couple of
t-shirts like the ones I got Joe, which the Shrimp saw + said he
might make use of (Big sale at Gimbels) They keep slipping my mind.
The trousseau arrived in
good shape – didn't even need pressing. I'm wearing the print
skirt now + am sure it will see a lot of use. The pongee blouse is
very cute, as is the other one, + will be useable later. All these
items should carry me thru – I really won't need the black crepe
you mentioned. Thanx for the cat book, but it comes a wee bit too
late, as little Rivet passed away the other night in the cat
hospital. He upchucked for a whole day + became very weak, so we
took him back down there for observation. They didn't say what the
trouble was but I suspect that he had it when I got him. He was very
thin and practically lived at the water pan from the beginning. His
ghost hung around for a couple of days, after he left. I couldn't
have been the diet – milk, cat food, chopped liver, fish.
Can I keep that picture
of Pop? Would that I could have seen that affair!
![]() |
That's Pop on the far right acting as the bride in a skit with Frank Perry. |
Thursday nite we went
down to Grabowski's + came back with everything from soup to bathtub,
and I speak literally. Shirts, sweaters, sox, bonnet, diaperwite
(?), jars for things, flannel nightgowns, face mask, soup, + bathtub.
I feel guilty taking all this, + she says there's more to come.
Wow! Young G. is very big + cute. What a wiggler!
Miss Mary's portrait is
practically done, + is a horrible thing.. Chair, table, flowers _
ugh! She may like it. It is a likeness.
We eagerly await Unc. J.
+ J. Louis.
Must take our Saturday
nite bath now. G'nite -
love, J.
Mon PM June 21 postcard
Dear Folks,
I have had a fascinating
day – doing flower studies like mad. We came home from New
Rochelle last nite with the makings of 5 different flower
arrangements. I can't do 'em all justice.
Moon, you're baffy. A
week ahead of yourself. Thanks for the birthday wishes, however.
Say did you ever consider having your sewing machine electrified?
Much cheaper + result the same.
love, J
Pop. -BEAR (from Joe - ac)
Sat PM June 26, '48
Dear Folks,
I think I will dash this
off + send it home by Unc. John – you'll get it a day sooner and
it's certainly been long enough since last I communicated with you.
Shrimp must be home by
now. Hello, Shrimp. We didn't hear the regatta broadcast, but saw
the sad results next day in the paper. Could have been much sadder,
though. Syracuse certainly sagged, and they can't blame it on long
hours of tough study. Most of those guys are in Bus, Adm + Fine
![]() |
Uncle John T. Boyd, Aunt Hazel's husband |
We were thoroughly
disgusted when it rained the first + second fight nights, but it was
for the best, as this has been a most enjoyable week. If Unc. John
had seen the fight Wednesday night and gone home Thursday, we would
never have gone to the Dodger – Cardinal game this afternoon. He
has been an ideal guest, whose wants + requirements are simple.
Requested (1) A subway ride (2) trip to Coney island (3) Louis –
Wolcott fight. All these we have accomplished, + a few more.
Luckily my hip decided to go back in joint, and we did a lot of
cruising around on foot. In fact, he may be worn to a frazzle. I'm
B. Duck was here
yesterday while we were out gallivanting. I'm mad at having missed
her, but she gave no warning. She sent me a luscious table cloth
with huge yellow + white napkins.
I'm to blame for those
scarves John is bringing back. Picked 'em out for him. They are to
be treated more or less as a joke. Loud, hey?
Of course I started this
mainly to thank you for that stupendous birthday present. We haven't
found the machine we were looking for yet. It may have to wait a
while, but those $$ go into a fund, as in the case of the Piano,
until the real thing comes along. Did you ever have the Franklin
looked over + analyzed? May be fixable. It's better looking than
most of those rebuilt jobs. But maybe I haven't looked in the right
places yet. Do nothing drastic.
Oh, yes, I questioned
Doc. Wilens, who will do the job. He's Jewish, + had never heard of
that Catholic peculiarity. Neither he nor any of his confederates
follow that practice, says he.
If you'd like a copy of
that card with modifications, send it back Pop, + I will do it again.
Glad it met with approval.
Bear + John are spraying
in the front room.
Time out. Mr. Bear
ingeniously sneaks out, buys a 2-tone cake, lights up 28 pink
candles, + calls us out to the kitchen. I blew 'em all out. The 3
extra are good wishes says Bear. I suspect he didn't have time to
count 'em, fearing that I might decide to visit the kitchen at any
moment. Very sweet of Bear, it's hard to pull a surprise in this
place. (Unc. John even ate a little piece.)
I'm doing a couple of
jobs for Brandford. Really filled up my spare time this week.
I love that white
bracelet. In fact, I'm wearing it now. It's so comfortable,
decorative, + summery. Do they make a neck-do to match?
Joe is just as well off
without the cookies. He's getting back up to 200. I, too am putting
it on – this staying home.
I shall cease now. John
will no doubt give details. He has treated us swell.
love, J.
Saturday PM, July 3,
'48 Beth David Hospital, 161 E. 90th
St. Bet Lex + 3rd
Ave. Rm. 601
Dear Folks,
I should have written
this morning but they don't furnish paper in this joint. Bear
brought this.
There's no doubt about it
now – we won't have to wait as long as we thought we would. And
there were so blasted many things I wanted to do first!
The young bear (female)
made its entrance at about 5:00 AM today. Everybody has seen it but
me, and from them I have varied reports, so will not describe until
seeing it myself tomorrow. The say it has all its appendages +
accoutrements, which is what matters. Haven't heard anyone mention
its beauty, but then what could one expect???
I came here at
10:00 PM yesterday. Had a gay time right up to the end. It was a
gorgeous day in the park + a sweet clean-smelling bush was blossoming
everywhere (later note at the bottom by
Janice: PRIVET (cookie-bush) she
always referred to the privet hedge as a Cookie bush
– ac)
There was a herd of sheep grazing hither + yon – today I see by
the paper that they were part of a movie set. I wandered about in a
leisurely manner, trying out various sitting + lying places, and
started for home about 3:30. Got there just in time to greet Jon
Nielsen, who was paying me a call.
He gave helpful advice about my
various painting projects. We chatted over coffee (he made $1000
last week) + finally I bid him adieu. It was just as he was starting
down the stairs that unmistakable things began to happen to me. Kept
going, got supper, read a while, packed, + left with Mr. bear. The
authorities said, “Oh, you'll be here for a long long time, but I
fooled 'em. Can't get out of bed till tomorrow. I hear the keep me
here 9 days. I shall ketch up on reading + knitting. They serve
scrumptious meals. Mr. Bear was up 3 times today. This is a triple
room – 2 girls left this morning + another came in. I am now an
authority, telling her what to expect. Feel fine except for
stitches. Have 1 doz. Red roses from admirer.
Jon Nielsen |
We're still struggling
for a name. I like Jennifer, with Angela in the middle, but Bear
pleads tearfully for Angela in front. So help me, if I hafta name it
Angela I shall call her Jelly for short.
Sorry, no twins this
If you are able + willing
to come down for a few days, Moon (Grandma that is) we shall be very
grateful. I'll bet we caught you in the busiest season.
love, J.
P.S. Sunday PM – I
haven't mailed this because of a lack of stamps. Guess I won't get
to see the offspring until tomorrow or the next day. That is
In case you should want
to call me long distance for some reason, the phone in our room is
ATwater 9–2600 ext. 601. You'd have to ask for Sarah Kramer, my
roommate. She just had a girl.
That'll be all for now –
visiting hours are nearly over + I want to send this off by bear.
I'll get out next Sunday.
It's certainly swell to eat somebody else's cooking. The worst item
at present is the penicillin shot every 3 hours.
Bear send regards.
A list of questions
written by Moon, with answers filled in by Janice. Moon was outraged
with what she heard about procedures at the hospital.
1. The nurses name, to
whom I phoned.
don't think she should be involved in this. She was sympathetic to
the cause, but had no say in the matter. The doctor decides. We
liked her
2.The name of the nurse,
or whoever was present when you first refused the pills + heard you
affirm your wish to nurse the baby.
I don't remember which
nurse it was. There were so many + they took turns doing things.
The 2 other mothers were present.
3. Were you allowed to
hold the baby at all, before you were convinced it was too late?
I didn't even have a look at her until we were able to walk. Didn't
hold her until Saturday, when we left.
4.Were the other
mothers allowed to have theirs? No
- Did you ask to have the baby, + if so what reasons against were given + by whom? We were told that it was against hospital rules and that the only nursing mothers could have their babies . It was then that Mrs. Kramer decided she wanted to nurse, asked her doc, + he said no. The reason, as far as I could gather, for not letting us have our babies in, or see them more than once, was that they (the nurses) were too busy. The nurses told us that. I fear that I've been no help. I wasn't being observant at first, just relieved.
Wed PM July 21, '48
Dear Folks,
Tonight I saw “The Iron
Curtain” downstairs + Bear held the fort. He took in the little
icebox that was outside the kitchen window, sprayed it the wall
color. I put two birds on the doors + tonight he installed it as a
cabinet over the kitchen table. Says the cub has been yelling bloody
murder until just lately. Seems to be asleep now.
![]() |
Daddy and me |
There were two
days, Monday + Tuesday, when she was unbelievably good. Yelled only
about 4 hours each day altogether. Took her to Nancy's (Ferris
- ac)doctor today. He is in truth an
old-fashioned character in his late seventies, with a fine handlebar
mustache. He changed the formula, said that's what caused the rash.
Now I'm supposed to give her what Nancy's baby started on – Similac
+ water – nothing else. I'm worried about one thing – he says no
vitamins until next winter. Says the oil causes diarrhea in hot
weather. That doesn't agree with the book which states that from the
first all babies need vitamin C + D in some form to prevent rickets,
scurvy,, etc. I'm tempted to go on putting a little in despite his
directions. She weighs 8 lbs.
Will you thank Smileys +
the Achenbachs for their cards?
It's raining like mad.
I'm sending Victoria a
card. Luckily I have on on hand. When is your rummage sale? I'll
mail it when I get hold of some wrapping paper. Getting things
bought is a problem now. This weekend I can start taking her out.
Dr. Sprague refers to all
babies as “he”.
Brandford is keeping me
busy. He's gonna get a bill for $60.00, which will straighten his
That will have to do for
now. 2:00 feeding is not far off.
Love, J.
Sunday PM July 25, '48
Dear Folks,
I can't believe it! It
can't last, this silence. Ever since we took her for a ride in
Betsey this afternoon. I've increased the formula to 5 oz. + she
drinks it all.
We have a bassinet, a
monstrosity, but useable. Came from the Grabowski family, some
branch of it.
Got a card from Mrs. Sue
H. Johnson!
Shrimp, the cigar is one
of the originals.
love, J.
July 27, postcard
Dear Moon,
Nice letters from you
today + yesterday. Bellowed all yesterday + most of last nite. I
put cotton in my ears at nite, after ascertaining that nothing can be
dome. That quiets it down a little. Sounds cruel doesn't it.
Similac contains all
vitamins, minerals, etc. except C + iron. It's supposed to be next
best to mother's milk.
Can't imagine poor Widget
finding anything to smile about by this weekend.
Seems to rather enjoy
water baths sometimes.
Love, J.
Am taking it out in
carriage today.
Mon. August 2 '48
Dear Folks,
Time out after supper.
Widget is going on as usual + bear is reading something + listening
to a radio program at the same time.
I wheeled Widget over to
the doc today. It's a nice sizeable stroll. We were there from 12
to 2:30 and she was very well behaved + cute, except at bottle-time.
Slept all the way home. The minute we entered this apartment she
started yelling + hasn't let up since. The nurse seems to think it's
hunger. She's gained 8 oz. In the last 10 days, which the doctor
seems to think is alright. He had to tie off a little more navel.
Guess they didn't do a very good job at the hospital. Didn't hurt at
all. I can start giving her orange juice now. I'm relieved to hear
that he does believe in vitamins. He's 74, and very spry, seems to
be in better shape than Dittler, whose hand shakes noticeably. Dr.
Sprague still performs operations. The formula is increased + the
nurse seems to think it will need to be increased every few days. My
theory is that she's allergic to this apartment. Can't be blamed for
that. Nurse says her eyes will be the color they are now – dark
gray. Very purty. She sees faces now, follows 'em around in a
cross-eyed sort of way, sticking out the tongue. I'm gonna take some
pictures tomorrow.
Brandford owes me $93.50
so far altogether. After a bit of repairing Betsey for the trip next
month, it goes in the bank toward the vine-covered cottage. He
didn't complain about the charge.
Bear is waltzing Soggins
now. Maybe she's an extreme extrovert + is only happy in public.
At last I'm reading
books. Just finished “The Technique of Getting Things done” By
Donald A. Laird. Very interesting – short stories of important
people + how they got that way by wasting no time + overcoming
handicaps. I agree with him in a lot of respects, but think he
carries it too far + will end up in the booby-hatch instead of the
hall of fame. He would have not stand up to do sit-down jobs. I mot
have an intriguing volume on spiritism, mediums, spooks, etc.
Widget is quiet now. Is
chewing on Bear's bare dirty shoulder. Eating time in 15 minutes.
The nurse said, “What big hands for a little girl”. She should
be capable of something.
Did the Shrimp's cigar
ever get there? I mailed it same time as the package.
Preacher Diamond sounds
like quite a character. Does he paperhang in an artistic manner?
Nice to hear from Aunt K.
I had to skip a word here + there. I wouldn't mind going to Tully
myself. Maybe Bear could drive us up in September?
![]() |
Janice's Aunt, Katherine Wands Pierce |
He wants to know whether
Pop or somebody in the neighborhood has a ¼ horsepower motor? Hopes
to spray Betsey while on vacation + doesn't know of such a motor
B. Duck gave us a nice
gadget – a sort of baby-raft – blows up to this shape. + will be
ideal for visiting + car riding.
Don't worry about your
grandchild. We don't.
love, J
Tuesday PM Aug 10, '48
Dear Folks,
Spent the evening
clipping for the file. At the moment (10:30), Widget the midget is
charmingly silent. She's getting more settled in the yelling habits.
We can definitely count on sound effects straight through from 6 to
10. After that she usually drops off, and is good all night, waking
up for all feedings. Morning noise from 9 – 10. Afternoons if
we're outdoors, she's okay. Of course there are exceptions to this
routine. I bought that little hot water bottle (98¢).
am not sure that it helps, but is good to have on hand. I personally
doubt that the 6 – 10 squawk is colic. For one thing, she
stretches the legs straight out.
The pictures are the best
of a bunch of rather bad ones we took Sunday. We couldn't wake her
up, believe it or not. I hope the ones I took today will prove more
The Greeks upstairs are
having a party. What I took for a political campaign speech turned
out to be some sort of Grecian drinking song rendered by a tone-deaf
individual deeply inebriated + leaning out the window. Glasses,
bottles or something keep crashing in the backyard. I am expecting
any minute a Greek to to likewise. Guess I never did comment on that
discussion you had with the doc. My RH factor is constant, whatever
that means.
The refrigerator is
marvelous. Not too noisy, + holds more than we will ever be able to
supply. Of course it's the largest model ever manufactured + one
must do a bit of fancy footwork to get to the sink from the bedroom,
but no more iceman-chasing.
The Doc says we hafta
take New York water to Pa. for the formula. Gad, 10 gallons, He
fears diarrhea.
came across with a small fraction of the bill. Low on funds as
He says no sun, but she's
getting it anyway, since he won't give Vitamin D by oil. I'd be more
afraid of rickets than diarrhea.
*Confusion up above,
result of interrupted train of thought. Wish I had something more
exciting to report than baby all the time.
Oh yes, the Havelock
Ellis – I happened to have them because I bought 'em. I'll swap
the set to Shrimp for the “book I was looking for when I got these”
or he can borrow 'em for any length of time. I seem to have lost
interest in the subject.
Thanx for the postcard.
love, J.
Mon. PM Aug 16 '48
Dear Folks,
Here are some more shots
of Soggins. You wouldn't recognize your widget now – 10 lbs. 4 oz.
This morning.
No excitement here
Hope the trip to Tully
was enjoyable.
Bear worked till 9:00
I'm boiling handkerchiefs
this evening.
Soggins is asleep.
Me too,
love, J.
Thursday, Aug. 26 '48
Dear Folks,
What sweltering
slushy heat! 105º
they say. I didn't take Soggles out, for fear of frying the poor
Is that the enlargement
you wanted? Too bad the negative got scratched. That full length
one will make nice enlargements.
She has been quite
respectable this week. Still yells about 7 or 8 hrs. a day, but the
rest of her waking hours are spent practicing. When I sneak up on
her she is often smiling at nothing in particular, sticking out the
fat little tongue + making talking noises. She slept through the
2:00 feeding last night + I hope it happens again. This makes for
bigger bottles during the day + longer sleeps.
I don't think we'll need
a carriage at home. We have the inflated mattress + a folding
car-bed. September can't pass too fast for me.
I'm the soggy one
tonight. Bath's don't help any.
Today I chewed off her
fingernails, a very simple matter. It was getting so that she
slashed herself here + there while struggling around.
Gotta get to work on Miss
Mary. Lighten her eyelashes a little.
Soggily yours, J.
Monday Sept. 6 '48
Dear Folks,
This is an unproductive
day. Soggins is sleeping, now that its time for the 2:00 bottle.
Kestersons are back from Illinois and Bear has Kess helping him
polish Betsy. K has what sounds like an interesting job now –
insurance investigator.
B Duck was here Saturday
+ stayed overnite. A lovely drive out it was with the top down. I
didn't know there were so many motorcycles in the world as we passed
+ met on the way out. They were on their way to a motorcycle race
that was being held outside Phila. Soggles was fairly well behaved.
She's been getting around lately, Last week we went down to
Grabowski's. We were surprised to find Mr. + Mrs. Brandford having
supper down there. Dinner, that is.
Last Sunday we went
picnicking in Van Cortlandt park, or did I tell you this? With the
Aunt + Uncle and others. She was a model baby that day. Tomorrow I
plan to pack a lunch + take her down to 42nd
St. to see Chris. We'll probably eat in Bryant park.
I am very unhappy
at having completely forgotten B. Duck's birthday, Sept. 3rd,
until yesterday, too late. I will send her a record anyway. It
strikes me that B. Duck isn't having a very exciting life at this
I'm hearing two ball
games at the same time from next door. We thought we'd lose our
cussin' friend next door for a while, but he's out on probation. One
night we heard a man saying, in a calm + quiet voice, “So help me,
Jerry, I'll hang you if it kills me”. If this statement had been
bellowed forth in a resounding manner I'd have thought nothing of it,
but this subdued tone – then we discovered a policeman-voice asking
questions + much weeping + wailing. Anyway it seems that the cusser
stabbed some gent from this building with a knife as a result of an
argument with gent no. 2's wife or vice-versa. The stabbed one was
removed to the hospital + the stabber to the hoosegow. He's out now,
meek + mild, + is being taken advantage of – he gets poked in the
jaw + can't retaliate.
If Shrimp is going back
to MIT by train, perhaps he could stop off for an hour or so, + see
his niece
What a messy letter,this.
I gotta do a few
hairdo-heads for Brandford.
love, J.
Thursday PM. Sept 16 '48
Dear Folks,
Haven't heard from youse
guys, but I guess canning has the joint tied in knots.
Has the Shrimp reported
on his trip back yet? Guess he won't see his niece until Christmas.
We're keeping busy.
Joe's boss has announced that from now on he must be in the shop by
7:30, and will be paid for overtime. They work every Saturday + he
does not want to let him have that October vacation. Mr. Bear says
he will take it anyway. He is frazzled out.
Jon Nielsen paid us
another visit the other day. Stayed for lunch and sang quite a few
songs, accompanied on the piano by yrs trly. Admired Soggins +
kissed her hand upon parting.
Four times last
week the same woman came pounding on the door calling for “Margie!”
The first time she was accompanied by, I mean preceded by a drunken
bum who insisted that I open the door + find out who it was. I
thought he'd break the door down, and selected a large soldering iron
from the tool bench. Didn't have to use it, as somebody from across
the hall heard the rumpus + came out + directed them to wherever they
wanted to go. So now we have posted a sign on the door, to the
effect that “Margie doesn't live here”
and haven't been troubled since. Now + then I hear somebody
approaching, stopping a minute, + going away again. I guess she can
Alice Loubris Wilson |
Remember Alice, my pal
who had the mental breakdown? We had a letter from her mother the
other day saying that Alice had come home from the hospital, and had
a relapse right away + was returned to the hospital. She wants to
know what caused the breakdown. I'm trying to decide what to tell
her. I'm not sure I know. Alice knit Soggins a yellow sweater +
How is Victoria? Were
all those operations successful?
Mr. Bear is washing his
The widget weighs 12 lbs,
and is 241/4 inches tall. Is off the 2:00 feeding + hasn't as much
appetite as before.
Hope to hear from you
Love, J.
Wed. PM postcard Sept.
29 '48
Dear Folks,
Plenty to report but no
time to do so. Brandford keeping me busy.
Don't know for sure
whether we'll get home late Friday nite or early Saturday morning.
Bear has to drive his boss as far as liberty + will have to pick him
up again on Wednesday + go back to work. They can't spare him. We
girls will stay the week. Everything confusion.
love J
The cookie-face weighs
14-4 + is 24 ¾ tall.
Sat Oct. 16 '48
Dear Folks,
At last, a breather. We
had visitors from the Bronx tonite – the ones that gave us the cute
stainless steel tray that hangs in the kitchen + Bear left with them.
That was a couple of hours ago, so I guess he's driving them home.
Small slurping sounds
come from the next room, where a little person is imbibing her supper
by artificial means.
She broke her first toy
today, in the person of Mr. Pelican. I guess we can fix him, but at
the present he's completely unstrung.
I weakened + took her to
the doc. 15 lbs 2 oz., and he says start her on halibut oil and
The other nite she was
straddling Bear's leg + prattling on about this + that, when she
suddenly decided to do a bit of forceful standing up. On discovering
that she could do this, she guffawed, not the usual “Ha!”, but
“Ha – ha”, then proceeded to repeat the whole performance,
ha-haing some more.
I have a real $50
portrait commission. Richard's brother's wife from a photo. She's
inspiring. So's the $50. I've practically spent it already. Here
you see a piece of a frivolous + absolutely impractical dress that I
couldn't resist. Back view
Got a pair of shoes from Rogers. Brown suede.
She's living on east 58th St. and working in the same place as before. Looks positively terrific. Gorgeous, that is. Smoooooth.
Got a pair of shoes from Rogers. Brown suede.
She's living on east 58th St. and working in the same place as before. Looks positively terrific. Gorgeous, that is. Smoooooth.
![]() |
With family friends, the Hazards, who had a cabin on a lake in PA. |
Thanx for sending the
belt + to Hazards for the bib. She'll use it.
I go to bed, Bear or no
bear. Here he is now. love, J
Sat PM, Oct 30 '48
Dear Folks,
This has been a behind
schedule day, and not a very fruitful one. It has been climaxed by
the downfall of that slanting telephone pole we hooked our
clothesline to. It was spectacular. It was the usual heavy Saturday
wash, after which I had never ceased to marvel that the pole still
stood. Now it doesn't. Luckily it caught on something and the
clothes didn't hit the ground, so I'm leaving it as is until morning.
I'm glad the Phila. visit
was a success. Tell me more about the duties of a State Trustee.
The soggy member is
sleeping somewhat. I gave her Pablum from a bottle yesterday, + had
pretty good luck with the spoon today. I'm to give her vegetable
water now. Weight – 16lbs. 10oz. Doc says next week he'll put her
on cow's milk (??!?). If that 's proper it pleases me. Her arms are
much smoother now. How she loves the oil. Slurps + licks the chops
long afterward.
Remember when we were
home a couple of times she wouldn't finish her bottle on a lap but
took it from the bed with no objections? That's the regular thing
now – it got so that she wouldn't even start drinking on my lap –
but squawked, kicked, thrashed abound + seemed very unhappy. I would
then throw her in soggy-bed, where she proceeded to polish off the
bottle with gusto. That happened half a dozen times. Often she even
objects to my holding the bottle. Now we prop it up on the Teddy
bear + everybody's happy. No gas pains, the three little burps come
up right away, very little spitting up, and we play around for a
while afterward.
I've bought the last pair
of shoes until some time in 1950. Just counted my collection, +
there are 17 pairs. Bear has put his foot down, and he can't be
blamed. The series ends with black suede crepe-soled numbers
I suspect that they'll be fairly warm + good baby carriage-pushers.
I suspect that they'll be fairly warm + good baby carriage-pushers.
Still no coat. I hafta
wait for Richard's brother to pay off on the portrait. Klein's have
some for $25 or $30. I'm not sure I should take the chance of
purchasing a coat for you, as a winter coat is such a permanent thing
and should be just right. Wish you could be here, I could get
caracul in Gimbel's if I knew how much it would take. It's being
done like your sketch.
I seem to be
joining up with the Evening Guild of the AUW (Association
of Universalist Women? - ac). They're
just organizing, and will meet one Wednesday a month. It's composed
mostly of younger church gals. Already I'm drafted to make
membership cards.
Rogers + I went to the
Pepsi-Cola art exhibit. Some of the paintings shown there will
appear on that calendar they put out. I think you had one last year.
I am inspired to compete. All the entries seemed to be bigger than
anything you or I ever did, but not usually better. First prize was
taken by a naturalistic brownish study of awkward log with slanting
wooded hillside. Second prize was rather appealing – It was nice
in color + texture – a bunch of familiar slum-buildings with little
round men + women holding down the sidewalks. It was quite charming,
altho not my favorite of course.
Presidential candidates
are buzzing around this town at a rate of speed.
That's all. The whiffler
is whiffling, expecting no doubt its eleven o'clock bottle.
Good luck with the doll's
love, J.
9:00 PM Tuesday Nov. 2
Dear Moon,
This is all that was left
from the plaid piece. Maybe it'll help around the top of the skirt.
Can you send me a sample of the other material you wanted?
Soggins will not go to
sleep. Keeps making struggling noises + trying to turn sideways.
I'm getting in quite a bit of pianoing. Strange as it seems, that
quiets her down sometimes when she's just bored.
We drove up to Nielsen's
on Halloween evening. Their two boys were still up, + Jon's father
dropped in dressed up as Jon's mother (I presume) complete with
earrings + pant-legs showing. Pegeen is making pottery dishes with a
kit. You don't have to bake 'em, + they're waterproof. Glaze comes
in sheets. I'll never understand how she does all these things +
keeps two pre-school kids going, too. She models in clay, makes her
own clothes, plastic jewelry, + is going to re-upholster the chairs.
I voted today, taking
Cookie-face along. Was thoroughly confused by all those levers.
Bear is at church
by himself tonite. We tried taking the baby again, + she was awful.
So we're taking turns.
Heard from Alice today.
She was going to be discharged the next day, and after a few weeks at
home is coming to New york to find a job again, Says she feels like
a new person + seems to be raring to go. This is wonderful news, if
it lasts, + I certainly hope it does this time.
Do you know of anybody we
could combine with on our CU subscription? We have 2 already besides
We finally took our
winter clothes out of mothballs. They're all wrinkled up +
discouraged looking.
Soggins has succumbed to
fatigue + struggle no more.
Never expected to fill
this sheet out, even half. Regards to all + sundry.
Love, J.
Sun PM postcard
Dear Folks,
We have received the
Cookies + Carrots. What a pleasant surprise! The widget likes
carrot water. Spinach water has no charm for her.
Made meat loaf today + it
was almost like yours. I hadn't been putting in enough onions.
Nothing occurred this
weekend – I've been making Cookie a little hood-cape, gray with red
![]() |
Me in the cape |
love, J.
Wed. PM Nov. 25 '48
Dear folks,
There's an ironing
yapping to be done, but this is a much more restful occupation.
Cookie is sitting beside me, busily occupied making gestures.
Time out to
entertain Richard for about half an hour. Joe is at the movies.
Cookie is now in bed, and surprising enough, asleep. She's been a
psychological problem lately. Is fairly good all day, and instead of
yelling from 5-7, as before, then sleeping, she screams + howls from
6:30 – 10:00 or thereabouts. Picking up usually quiets her, but
not always. I'm trying giving her a bath at night, and hope to
introduce strained vegetables any day now. The doc says I have to
cook + strain 'em myself of course,
but I say phooey on that . Aren't those little 10¢
baby foods as good, + even better? I guess CU has gone over them, I
must check.
Cookie weighs 18lbs.
6oz., and will sometimes sit alone for a little while. Stands up at
the slightest opportunity, and it's all you can do to make her sit
once she's up. Hold her hands at waist level, + she stands like a
soldier. Has two new words – yggllch and b-b-b-b-bp, with bubbles.
Seems to be giving up her 6:00 AM bottle.
![]() |
Joe's brother, Sam on left, his bride, Lily (Cataldo), Rafaela Cataldo (Lily's sister) and Angelo Candela (Sam's brother) at right |
Biggest news of the
season – Returning from helping fix the Xmas bazaar, I saw that our
kitchen light was on, + Bear + somebody were talking. It turned out
to be brother Sam, + son Jo-jo. Bear said, “Go in + see what's the
matter with Cookie” (she was widgeting, as usual) and going in,
whom should I find there but Alice! She has gained about 25 lbs,
which she needed, being tall + spare originally, and what a change in
bearing + outlook. We hadn't heard from her in a few weeks, + I had
been fearing the worst, but suddenly here she is looking for a job +
a room, with a new exterior + interior. It seems to good to be true.
I have my fingers + toes crossed, that it lasts. She's cheerful +
gay, tho, a trifle confused as to New York. Is glad to be back in
the City, tho, and is pitching right in, going to the church group, +
back to the place she used to worm (no openings)
[Zounds, the brat again!]
She discusses life at the
hospital, but has forgotten a lot about it. We are most happy she's
back. She made a dreamy dark red suit + hat to match.
You'll be getting some
material. The green may be a little brighter when viewed against a
large area of the dress. Maybe you could give it a mud bath. The
check was the best I could find. That hound's tooth or whatever it
is is quite seldom seen hereabouts. That piece looks like a faded +
dirty version of the sample. I am sending it anyway, + you can get
solid brown as you suggested if it's to hopeless. I haven't found
any fur fabric yet. Probably a department store will have it.
What's the good
word on the Christmas present situation? I will drop some hints from
here. We are out, but out
of stationery. The only thing I can think of that Cookie doesn't
have is a comb + brush set. Or if you see a soundproof padded cell,
reasonably priced, pick it up. If she doesn't use it, I will.
Brandford has been in the
hospital for a month or more. He's really bad off, I guess.
And than you tremendously
for the check. Pennies from heaven, to say the least. It goes in
the bank.
Widget is wailing
I keep having dreams of
widget walking + talking as do you.
Tomorrow we eat
Thanksgiving dinner at the Aunt's apt. (Aunt
Josephine and Uncle Vito who lived on the next block south first Ave
and 59th
St. He had a fruit store and the lived in a tenement apartment
upstairs - ac)
![]() |
"Uncle" Vito with Joe at Joe's confirmation some years earlier |
Wow! I think I'll let
the clothes go + iron Cookie.
Love, J.
10 Pm Thursday Dec. 10
postcard '48
Dear Folks,
Cookie is smiling from
ear to ear + laughing joyously – this will go on until I put her
down, a thing I must soon
Your last letter was most
MOON DEPT – [What size
does the Shrimp (+ others) take in sox, shirts, etc.? I got all the
stamps except the airmail. They were all sold out. I'll try
I wish I had a baby-rack,
built after the style of a pipe rack to keep this critter standing up
+ happy. There's a lot to report here, but it'll hafta wait till the
current Brandford job is done.
Love, J.
Sunday we go to Phila.
Alice goes along to visit her brother.
Mon PM Dec, 13 '48
Dear Folks,
I'll do the best I can,
with Cookie batting the box around + grappling with the paper. She's
really after the pen.
Bear + Richard are at the
movies. I wish they'd taken this Cookie with them. Report on
progress of baby: weight – by now she must be over 19 lbs. 27
inches tall. Her usual schedule now is as follows: 8:00 AM cereal +
bottle, 12 or 12:30 – fruit or vegetable + bottle, 4:30 – orange
juice – 5:30 – fruit or vegetable + bottle. 11:00 PM bottle.
Then we are usually blessed with 8 hrs of silence. She doesn't sit
alone yet, for more than a few seconds, and once she's on her feet,
there's no sitting her. One day I endeavored to sit her in the
corner of the sofa while I washed the dishes. But no soap, sitting
was not for Cookie. For the next five minutes here she was – a
human bridgelet
She can roll over from her stomach to her back. Can manipulate things pretty well now – has no trouble getting a grip on objects held out, pulls dishes + utensils off the table and squeaks squeaker-toys. Mangles a funny-paper or a human nose in great style. Loves people, especially Daddy. At this moment she is beating one upon the arm, having rolled over from back to side, and is talking sternly. Now she is smiling + beating her feet – Ha-ha she says, ha-ha I say, ha-ha ha-ha she says, and starts and starts having hiccups. Plays with her feet, but doesn't eat 'em yet. Now she is manipulating my arm. Ouch. What a grip. Now I let her take over.
A sort of spirit writing. Ah.
She can roll over from her stomach to her back. Can manipulate things pretty well now – has no trouble getting a grip on objects held out, pulls dishes + utensils off the table and squeaks squeaker-toys. Mangles a funny-paper or a human nose in great style. Loves people, especially Daddy. At this moment she is beating one upon the arm, having rolled over from back to side, and is talking sternly. Now she is smiling + beating her feet – Ha-ha she says, ha-ha I say, ha-ha ha-ha she says, and starts and starts having hiccups. Plays with her feet, but doesn't eat 'em yet. Now she is manipulating my arm. Ouch. What a grip. Now I let her take over.
A sort of spirit writing. Ah.
Have put her to
soggy-bed. She cries so much now because she sleeps most of the day
when we don't go out. I try to take her out every nice day, but
lately there's been a horrible Brandford job. Line-drawing, + paste
up. Ugh. It will probably be the last. Mr. B. is in the hospital
again, + they don't expect him to recover. Barbara is taking over +
swears she will pay me off. He owes over $3,000 dollars to various
people, and can't pay John from week to week. He's leaving after
Xmas. John, that is.
The sogger is back again
– made too much noise in bed. Will I be glad when she can sit up!
I wonder if all those walking super-babies can sit too.
We had a wonderful time
yesterday – Alice stayed here overnite and we started about 9:30
AM. She spent the day with her Brother's family in Germantown,
Phila. + the Bear and I ate with B. Duck (her mother had a heavy
date) + Bear visited his friends afterward, taking Soggins along. I
stayed with Duck, + just loafed. Duck seems in better spirits than
when I saw her last, and turned out a marvelous feast. She presented
us with a tremendous item – a grill, about 6” x11”, and
equipped for making waffles, toast, hamburgers, grilled sandwiches –
in fact nearly everything but coffee. Electric. We expect to have a
lot of fun with it. Tried it out tonite on grilled cheese
Ha! The baby is drinking
water. Peace for a moment.
always use a shirt or undershirts, or T-shirts, which are a great
favorite. Shirt size is 151/2 33. I'm getting him a couple. I
investigated overnite bags and brief cases. There are several
possibilities. The regular brief-case could hold a nightshirt +
change of accesssories. Then there's the grip or whatever. I also
saw a handsome job to this effect
These are all leather, of
We got a kick out of that
dirty sweatshirt story.
MIGOSH! Soggins has
knocked off. Could she have been just thirsty?
Sunday before last we
drove sister-in-law Sadie out to the orphanage in Peekskill, N.Y. To
see her three kids. It seems to be a nice place, plenty of fresh air
anyway. Their main interest in mama seemed to be how much loose
change they could separate her from. Poor Sadie is having financial
difficulties. Being a shade below the level of a moron she can't
hold a job, or maybe just won't. The electricity has been turned off
in her apartment, she goes for weeks without eating. Sleeps most of
the day. She paid us a visit one evening. From the MARGIE DOESN'T
LIVE HERE sign on our door she deduced that my name is Margie + calls
me that. It's really sad about the kids, but I don't know what can
be done. We'll send them a bunch of presents this year, + I'll try
to find time to make Archangel a paper doll. The youngest boy cries
like the dickens every time Sadie leaves for home. He's a cute
little thing – has a cookie-face.
I have two portraits to
do before Christmas. Margie, or Richard's mother.
Cookie awakes!
I don't know yet when
we'll be home. We'll probably drive. Bear has chains.
The Ferrises have a
television set. Their baby (Laura) walks all over now, alone.
Remember how really flat the back of her head was? It's all filled
out now.
![]() |
Laurie Ferris and me at the Ferris' apartment. Note CBI (China-Burma-India) pillow on the couch |
There's a pile of ironing
half-way to the ceiling.
So----------- goodnite to
love, J.
Sunday PM Dec. 26
Dear Folks
The day after, and
I hope all is well with you. Enclosed you will find an article I
spotted under the kitchen table this AM (doesn't speak very well for
my Xmas eve floor scrubbing) Hope there aren't any others strewn
about, altho I suspect they are no good to you anyway, separated as
they are. If this is the case, I can probably get a block somewhere
else. These came from Gimbel's. (I
think they must be a block of stamps for Grandpa – ac)
Cookie is with us now,
sitting on Bear's lap at the kitchen table and beating vigorously
upon the radio section of the Sunday paper. She has pretty good
control of her hands now – can reach out and grab things that you
have no idea are in her range. She went into spasms of delight when
first she set eyes on our little tree. It sits on a little table in
the middle room, visible from all over the joint. We got a new kind
of tinsel, a war-waste of some kind that instead of hanging – sits
areound like so - resembling frost crystals.
Christmas day we spent at
the Aunt, Uncle, + family's abode, but it was not entirely wasted, as
I finished a pair of booties for the baby while there. Santy was
quite generous to Cookie – she took in a wooden train, red + white
dachshund, squeeking doll, beautiful pink corduroy dress, mother
goose book, balloon with a bell inside, dopey-bear, schmoo, slipper,
spork + foon, + there must be other items. Bear + I exchanged
articles of clothing.
I just remembered I
forgot to thank you for sending Joe that copy of Popular Science the
other week. He loves 'em.
We were supposed to spend
today too at the Aunt + Uncles. Fortunately I seem to have
intestinal grippe or something. Feel as if I'd swallowed a bucket of
mud. Evelyn Jones and her baby had the same thing. About time I got
something – haven't been indisposed in almost a year, unless you'd
call Cookie an indisposition. No mover pimples + blackheads either.
Aren't you glad I didn't bring these bugs home to youse guys?
Hope you get your package
one of these days, before Shrimp has to go back anyway. I got quite
a sizeable reduction on the bag. Hope it will serve the purpose.
It's supposed to go down
to zero in the suburbs tonite, + I shudder at the thot of airing
cookie tomorrow. Guess I won't.
Send some more of those
houses or lots for sale notices. Mr. Bear speaks wishfully of moving
to Pa. Is there any way to tell where they are located?
last written on a triangular torn scrap of paper - ac)
Mighty low on stationery,
yes indeed.
I just read 'Strange
Fruit' a fascinating novel. About the Jim Crow situation in Georgia
small town.
Whoever drew my name at
the Church party gave me a piggy-bank, + all evening kind persons
dropped coins into the thing. Lucky, lucky me.
The Cookie tries to see
how far she can extend the tongue. Also makes many delightful
Brrrrple noises. Blows bubbles. I don't have to burp her anymore.
Well, try to keep the
extremities warm + Happy New Year.
Hello folks. Sorry we
couldn't make it this year. Hope you had a good Christmas. Joey
Wed AM Dec. 28 '48
Dear Folks,
Yesterday's letter was
the nicest I've had since I can remember.
Grandpa's swing has been
christened. We hang it in the doorway between the kitchen + middle
room. I didn't grip the top of the molding too well, so Bear drove 2
nails, and now it would support a baby elephant. It is a fine
solution to the problem of how to keep Cookie entertained while we
eat supper. At first she would limp down into one corner or the
other with a “what-goes-on?” expression, but now she has mastered
the balance technique, hanging onto the straps + using the feet to
best advantage and has a good old time. I'll take her picture in it
when I get some more flash bulbs.
I feel better today, +
Cookie didn't catch what I had. It's raining + warm. An April day.
How I'd like to have been
in on that happening! What is this practice chanter? The pipes
minus the bags?
Hope Shrimp can stop by –
our number is TRafalger 9-2554, in case you've mislaid the card.
I made myself a scarf out
of the other half of the plaid.
Found a place that is
just out of caracul cloth at $2.98 per yard. He expects some more in
day or week. Shall I get a yard if this happens? It's one of the
places I looked before + the black caracul has come + gone since
Now's the time to buy
winter coats. Sure you won't reconsider, Moon? Robert Hall has
beauties for $35.
That hunk of print –
Pop can cut it up for bandanas, or maybe you can use it in one of
your Christmas Manger scenes as head drapery or something. It has a
far eastern look. Darned if I could use it.
I'm glad the
present for Ant H. went over big. I have done other watercolors of
her, but that one bears the strongest resemblance to the little
Awful. (I think this may have been a
watercolor or Aunt Hazel's cat – ac)
Shrimp – stop foozling
about those H.E. Volumes. Bear in mind that they are second-hand +
read through by several persons and I got 'em reduced in the first
place. H.E. is much happier at MIT than here, wearing dust.
Thanx for the Pop.
Science subscription. Of the two magazines, Joe prefers this one.
Can't always get 'em hereabouts.
Just the airmail stamps
came from Gimbels.
Hope your colds have
moved out.
love, J.
Thursday PM Dec 30 '48
Dear Folks,
Cookie is kicking me in
the posterior.
What a splendid
array of gifts! I couldn't believe that I was pulling them all out
of one medium sized box, with cookies + cards too! And finally GULLK
in all his glory (Emerson Gullk, a
stuffed creature made by Grandma – ac)
I must admit that I recoiled, but only momentarily. Approaching
bravely, but with caution, I lifted him on the end of a long stick
and lost no time in transporting him to Cookie who received him with
open arms. I thought the ultimate in Emersonion charm had long ago
been achieved, but it seems I was wrong! This is it. Cookie likes
Emersons, as they are pliable + easy to grasp. (He looks like a
hockey player.)
Soggins takes pen in had to express her gratitude. (sketch – scribbles) I'm sure she'd say more, but I believe you get the idea from that one paragraph.
The comb and brush set is perfect. I optimistically tried it out, + it did the best it could with her one-inch fuzz. Does brushing + combing really lengthen hair? She took to the rubber fish right away. It's very cute.
![]() |
On the bed with an Emerson |
Soggins takes pen in had to express her gratitude. (sketch – scribbles) I'm sure she'd say more, but I believe you get the idea from that one paragraph.
The comb and brush set is perfect. I optimistically tried it out, + it did the best it could with her one-inch fuzz. Does brushing + combing really lengthen hair? She took to the rubber fish right away. It's very cute.
I needed panties + a
garter best, so these daffodil numbers hit the spot. Slip fits, too,
better than any I've bed + such a purty color.
Perhaps I shall weaken +
let Glady or Regina give me the Richard Hudnut. They've volunteered.
I'd rather have you do it, as you're acquainted with the
idiosyncrasies of this mop better than anybody, or doesn't it matter
with a permanent whether its curled the way it wants to go? Anyway,
I can wait a while. It's a very nice present.
Was I glad to see those
shears! Had hinted to Bear along that line before Christmas + even
for birthday, but to no avail. I'll keep 'em in the sewing box.
Of course two pairs of
nylons are always doubly welcome, and dried fruits, figs, + dates,
also Bear's cute fudge-box made a hit.
That necktie is a beauty
– he had non similar to it, and the clasp is definitely dashing.
The gloves fit, + he'll wear them to best, even tho they are
washable. I'm crazy about that necktie.
Needless to say, the dry
cleaning stick will see plenty of bard use. Haven't tried it yet,
but that's not because of lack of practice material.
Gosh, we came out better
this Christmas than anyone I've interviewed yet. Makes an impressive
showing on the love-seat by the tree. Our tree isn't shedding yet,
so we may as well leave it up until Sunday.
Kestersons are having a
New Year's party, + I gotta get busy + make some Jello foo-doo we're
taking GULK along to help out.
love, J.
P.S. Cookie rolled off the
bed yesterday.
The night before New Years Eve. '48
Hello Folks,
I'm happy to say that we
are all well, and hope to hear the same from that end.
Today as I walked in for
lunch + all the presents were under the tree, Jan and I open them up
together. Everything sure is super. Many thanks to Pop, Moon, &
Shrimp & Santa.
I, too must say how sorry
I am for not being there for Christmas but as Jan has written why, I
shall not go into it now.
Cookie at this time is on
Jan's lap and the other half of this letter is in process is more in
We do hope the Shrimp
will stop in and see us and his niece.
Well, I've asked Jan what
items she hasn't covered and it seems like she has them all, so I
can't think of anything else to say.
As always,
Happy new Year:
“May it be brighter
than any one yet”
Hello! To Aunt Puss &
Uncle John.
We will try to be down
that way in Spring.