I have always felt a strong love for my grandmother, and now looking back I see that I was in a very special position. I was her first grandchild. At age two, I spent a week or so with my grandparents when my sister Marjorie was born. We must have bonded during that visit. There were stories about that visit...that I slammed a door breaking a pane of glass, and stated confidently when asked, "Gompa did it!"....and another time as he was removing his work gloves, I pointed ans said, "Gompa have three hands!" At night at their house one could hear the distant train whistles, a magical sound I loved.
My mother saved the cards that Moon made for me, and now I appreciate what treasures they were! I doubt she had time to make such cards for all of her 8 grandchildren. I had that lucky first position. She did make great big dolls for Marjorie and me, that we treasured. We called them all Lulu and when one wore out, she made another one. I still have the pattern for the doll and made one for my own daughter, Hazel, though when she was really too big to actually play with dolls. I had been too busy for doll making during her early childhood.
Marjorie and I with our new Lulus. Standing between us is Barbara Gorrell who lived in the house you see behind us.

Yet another fold-out card featuring my pink rubber ball.

Another card that captures so well the details of "Grandma's House", the hammock in the yard and Flossie, the Model A Ford.
Grandma and Grandpa saying farewell from their new porch. How could I not love this wonderful and talented grandmother?
this is so dear! the lulus look a little scary but I don't think you were scared of them....
Among the art in your house, I was a bit skeptical of one of you as a girl. Seeing that first pic of you and Lulu, I now see you at one time had quite the square little face!
How wonderful to have all these mementos. I feel like I'm beginning to know Moon a little myself.
Hello there!!!My family and I bought your grandparents old house in East Athens and have been working on restoring it! Being a history buff, I have been trying to find old pictures of the house. I was given some clues by the lady we bought the house from & they led me to your Blog. Your grandmother was big on rock pathways, I have been working on unearthing them they are wonderful. I have also found items that were probably your grandmothers mostly in the upstairs of the barn. For a quick update.. the old chicken shed and outhouse are still standing(complete w/a milk can full of lime). I was told the walls in the kitchen are made out of old box cars from the railroad.In the basement there is a canning room still has canned beans,concord jam and pickles from the 70's.I would love any info you would like to share.p.s. I found a painting in the barn of a man with gray hair in a suit. Thank you for sharing the pictures on your site. Sincerly, Liz Saxon
Hi Liz!
This is too cool! Do I have photos? Loads! I have recently transcribed my grandfather's diary from 1923-1953 and am embellishing it with photos. I should be posting it to the blog in a few days or so. In the meantime, I can forward you many photos of the place.
Yes, my grandmother loved "rock gardening" and used many flat stones from the "crick". She grew lots of glads, too. I remember that they had a Queen Anne white peach tree in the garden. I think that was the variety. My great Aunt Hazel was big on canning and the canned goods may well have come from her garden up the road. It would be great if you would snap some pix of the place and the items you have found, etc. I can share them with family members. Last time I was there was about 10 years ago. Do take a photo of the painting that was in the barn, and I can add it to the blog. Is it signed and does it have any info on the back?
They moved to that house in the early 20's. There was no running water until the 1960's when the finally gave in and turned the side porch into a bathroom. Until that time they had a pump between the barn and house, and the single hole outhouse past the barn. I remember, as a kid using the chamber pot under the bed if I needed to go during the night.
I hope this goes directly to you and that I do not need to post it on the blog. I will do so, just to be safe. If I have your actual email address, I will forward you some photos.
This is great I've been searching for pictures off on for the past 3yrs. I've been saving bits and pieces of old wall paper with hopes of framing it along with pictures of the house.The email I attached to my first comment is correct, I just replied to an email your brother Phil sent me. I can also send pictures once I have your email address. I'll pull that painting out and take a picture of it and check on the signature. It's a little bent but the color was still good.I also found some other items that you may have interest in... I'll take pictures of them also. Thank you for sharing this blog so the wonderful art work your Grandmother and Mother created can be discovered. - Liz Saxon
Have couple of Janice's portraits, she was good, very good friend of the family. Her work is some of the best I have seen.
Joneen Nielsen
Bradenton, FL
Hi Joneen! It is great to hear from you! I cannot respond directly from the blog, but you can find me on facebook. Angela
HI Joneen! Great to hear from you. I cannot reply directly through this blog, but would love to communicate with you on facebook. You can easily find me there.
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